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Special Visitor
Dear fans, Beholder had a very special visitor this month! Fred Mitchell of Clarkland Farm stopped by to see her – you may recognize his name as the breeder of Queen B. He owns Leslie’s Lady, Beholder’s mother (he also bred and raised Mendelssohn). Fred came armed with peppermints… Read More

And the winner is…
Dear Fans, We have a winner! In fact, we loved the entries so much, we have TWO lucky winners! BOTH of you will receive Richard Mandella signed Beholder hats. All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone who shared their favorite Beholder memory, we enjoyed reminiscing with… Read More

Dear Fans, How is it already July? Beholder and Q B One are weaned and enjoying their days in the warm summer sun. This month we have been doing some housekeeping here at the farm and found something we thought you would like. We found a Beholder… Read More

Dear fans, My how time has flown! Q B One has already grown an independent spirit and is ready to create a herd of his own with other foals his age, meaning he will be weaned soon. This is a foal’s version of “graduation”. With this change, Q… Read More

Happy Oaks Day!
Dear Fans, Happy Oaks Day & Derby Eve! What a world wind the last month has been preparing for this weekend. We are excited to have future Spendthrift Stallions, Bolt d’Oro and Free Drop Billy, running on Saturday in the Kentucky Derby alongside Spendthrift-Sired Mangum Moon (Malibu Moon) and Audible… Read More

Prince B Has a Name!
Dear Fans, The Prince officially has a name! A HUGE thank you to everyone who submitted; there were over 4,000 submissions and it has taken us some time to narrow down our favorite. Our panel of judges have spoken and the official name is: Q B One The winner will… Read More

Prince of the Paddock
Dear Fans, It’s been raining for weeks here in the Bluegrass but we are finally seeing some sunshine! With that said, Beholder and Prince B have greatly enjoyed their time rolling around in the mud. The duo have officially been upgraded and moved to their large paddock with a buddy,… Read More

Queen B and her Prince!
Dear fans, It’s a colt! Beholder welcomed her first foal, a bay colt by Uncle Mo, on January 23rd in the late evening. Both mare and foal are doing great and Queen B has taken to motherhood like the champ she is. They spent the first week in our foaling… Read More

Full Circle Moment
Dear Fans, Wow, what a year 2017 was for Beholder and our incredible team around her! From the joy of announcing her in foal to Uncle Mo to hosting Friday morning Beholder tours, we’ve been very busy. As we kick off 2018, we are reminiscing on this full-circle moment. Beholder… Read More

Beholder Settling in Well.
Retirement looks good on Beholder. Since her arrival at Spendthrift on November 21st, Queen B has been adjusting quite well to farm life. Though she may no longer be in the winter warmth of California, Kentucky suites her well. The rolling pastures set with dark fences act as the perfect… Read More

Fairytale Ending for Beholder.
Fairytale endings, especially in horse racing, are rare events. Beholder is, as she always is, an exception to the norm. Her swan song in the Breeders’ Cup Distaff will perhaps go down as one of the greatest races of all time. To relive greatness, Beholder entered the gates with… Read More

Beholder’s Breeders’ Cup Final Bow.
Nov. 02, 2012 – Arcadia, California, U.S – (Horse) ridden by (Jockey) and trained by (Trainer), wins the Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (Grade I) at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, CA. (Credit Image: © Ryan Lasek/Eclipse/ In the 31 runnings of the Breeders’ Cup, Santa Anita… Read More